Evidence. Exhibit F: The Witness.

Evidence. Exhibit F: The Witness.

Sermon-Based Small Group

Title: Evidence. Exhibit F: The Witness.

Theme:  Personal Evangelism.

Get to Know Me: Where did you go to find adventure as a kid?

Into the Bible Questions:
Acts 8:1-12

  • Why do you think this persecution motivated the church to share Jesus more?
  • In verse 4, what do you think “preaching everywhere they went”, looked like?
  • Has God ever done anything supernatural through you?  Explain.
  • How did the last conversation you had with someone about Jesus go? Share.
  • How is sharing your faith like an adventure you experienced as a kid?

Spend Time with Jesus
 Luke 10:38-42

  • What are the distractions that keep you from spending time with Jesus?
  • How does time with Jesus keep you focused on His mission?
  • Is your time with Jesus more relational or routine or both?  Explain.
  • How does humility play into spending time with Jesus?

Ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 9:1-7; Acts 1:8, Acts 2:39-40

  • Is there a difference between Baptism in the Holy Spirit and receiving the Spirit at Salvation?
  • What do you think the purpose of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is?
  • If you’ve received the baptism, describe a time when you were emboldened by the Spirit.
  • If the Baptism empowers us to be witnesses for Christ, should we actively seek or ask for it?
  • Is the Baptism for only a select few people?
  • Take time to pray and ask for the Holy Spirit.