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Volunteer Signup Form
Volunteers are a vital part of our church community. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve. Choose which ministry you'd like to serve with below and we'll be in touch with you.
James 1:22 “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
We strongly believe faith expresses itself through action, so we look for practical ways to live out what we learn. Below are some “Next Steps” to consider on your journey.
We strongly believe faith expresses itself through action, so we look for practical ways to live out what we learn. Below are some “Next Steps” to consider on your journey.
Spiritual Gifts Test
April 21st, 2024
Check out this Spiritual Gifts Test! The Bible lays out the different gifts the Spirit gives His people. These gifts are for serving others to build up the family of God. This assessment can help determine what God given gifts you have!
Spiritual Assessments
December 9th, 2023
Spiritual Growth Assessment Spiritual Health Assessment and Planner......
Unbelief Assessment
October 24th, 2023
Unbelief is when you make up your own mind about what God can and can’t do or what God won’t do and how He does and doesn’t operate. Unbelief finds its own methods for accomplishing God’s business — both corporately and personally. As we grow in our willingness to hear God’s voice and carry out Jesus-type ministry, we’re challenged to face areas in which we’ve not had previous expe...
Our Ministries & Programs
We strive to offer your children an atmosphere where they can have fun, where they can be safe, and where they can learn and experience the love of God.
CrossOver is a youth ministry that offers a youth church service each week, small groups, special events, missions trips, and leadership experiences. CrossOver’s mission is to connect students to Christ, to help students grow in their walk with Christ, and to reach the lost!
Being a “young adult” can look very different; maybe you’re in college. Maybe you’re in the workforce. You could be married., single, or engaged. Maybe you have kids. You might live on your own, or with a roommate, in a dorm, or you may still be living with your family. The thing that connects us is JESUS.
It’s time to be different. As iron sharpens iron we will ask and answer the question and dilemmas facing men today. This journey of life is not meant to be traveled alone. So together we will laugh in the good times and tough it out in the bad. But know this, no one is alone here. We are our brother’s keepers. So take a deep breath and get in and enjoy the ride with us.
Find your place to fit in, to grow, and to strengthen your relationship with the Lord in any season of your life! Seasons Women’s Ministry is designed to support all women as they follow God’s plan for their lives. You have many titles: daughter, sister, wife, mom, friend… but always remember your best title: child of God
We invite you to come out for a time of food, fellowship and fun as we grow deeper in the word of God and deeper in the friendships we form in this group.