Sal's Blog 7.8.2020

Wednesday Men’s Thought

I was thinking about the idea of remembering…reflecting on things on life on past events on memories of loved ones….

I remember during the dog days of summer laying in the grass…looking up at the sky and clouds….

I started to think about how often as a kid I did nothing but lay in the grass looking up…

How often do we as adults stop and just lay in the grass and reflect on our lives…

On our decisions and who we have become…

The bible tells us many times to remember…in proverbs 10 verse 7 it struck me this morning

The memory of the righteous will be a blessing…

Do you want your memory to be a blessing? Who doesn’t?

I want not just my memories of my past…the things I have done or seen to be a blessing but I want my memory…who I have been…who people remember me to be…to be a blessing…

So the verse says the memory of the righteous…who is righteous….

Martin Luther wrote in his sermon Two Kinds of Righteousness these words…

When a man and a woman are married, they share all things in common…through faith man is married to Christ. “Through faith in Christ, therefore, Christ’s righteousness becomes our righteousness and all that He has becomes ours; rather He Himself becomes ours…

Luther describes Abrahams righteousness of faith, saying, “The other kind of righteousness is the righteousness of faith, which does not depend on any works, but on God’s favorable regard and His “reckoning” on the basis of grace.”

Christian righteousness is freely given by the Spirit through the means of grace…

So spend a little time today looking up…reflect and remember who you are…in Christ

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